One day I was caught by surprise when I was told by members of a Catholic church that they have been told that what I was teaching them was the truth. I asked them what specifically they were talking about. They answered it was about the change of the Sabbath and the day that people worship!
The story they told me continued like this. The priest was preaching in his church. As he preached we were so amazed to hear him tell us that there are three days remembered in the world for worship, but only one day is the one God chose. We were all waiting to know which day is that was! Then he continued saying that day is Saturday. He said that those who are keeping the Sabbath are true followers of the Bible.
Many people from other religions and churches are more open to the truth than ever before.
Please pray for the work in Idodi as we continue to spread the gospel message.
We have 21 people studying the Bible with us and six are ready for baptism.
This is Mr. & Mrs. Amos Idodi village.