Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The One Who sent me opened the Way

Listoni  Mtemela  is working in Mbesa along with his wife and four children. They have stayed there six months at the time of this story.

When we arrived at our place to work for God, we knew what was needed. We were thinking how can we approach the people? My plan was to conduct the Quest Sabbath, three days meetings. I didn’t have the money for that, but I asked God to open the door.  Things remained difficult. Then we decided to fast each Wednesday.  Finally God in his love opened the door and we got 150,000 TSH.

Life was not easy with the people around us because of starvation.  People were coming to me asking for food.  I tried to help as I could.  The atmosphere changed due to people telling each other that if they come to me they could get food.  Because of this it caused me to finish about all the food I had. Finally I ended having only 300 TSH.  Life was very hard to me.  The maize flour we had was now only three (3) liters.  Then somebody came to early in the morning telling me the really bad situation that they had at home.  We decided that we would give her one liter of flour.  That left us with only two liters.  We used one liter.  With only one liter remaining we prayed to God asking him what are we going to do? Money and food are gone.  Then in the evening we saw somebody coming towards our house.  To our amazement he gave us 10 liters of maize.  Three days later another person brought to us about 7 liters.  And again someone came with 15 liters of maize.  From home my fellow church members sent some money.  God answered our prayers. This is the miracle which God did for us.

One of the challenges in our area is its being a Musl*m area. 90% of the population is Isl*mic religion, is hard for people to join Christianity and is not easy to convert a Musl*m.  They need time, observation, and then they can decide what to do. Please pray for us as we continue to work for God.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lay Missionary Needs

I took this post from the director's blog verbatim. 

Several people have been asking about helping out and something that I think would be worth I that we need about 15 new bicycles for missionaries at about $90 each and several small sound systems at about $150 each. This is a big one but a couple of used motorcycles at $2,500 for two of the missionaries with a huge territory and they are supervising other missionaries under them. If you are looking for a project to support, these would all be good. And did you know that we have less sponsors than missionaries? Several of our own staff who are already making very little are sponsoring one or more missionaries each. For just $90/ month you could sponsor a missionary in a remote village to establish a church where there are no Adventists and not only help to hasten the coming of Jesus, but also save some souls who would otherwise perish.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Man from Heaven Heals People

Health evangelism works!

Ihowanza is a village inhabited by the Hehe tribe who are superficial Christians in which 50% depend on witchdoctors.  Kibidula has established a company of 20 church members there and there is still a population of 1,500 unreached people.

Kibidula allocated me to this area as a lay missionary after going through a health evangelism course (in addition to my other training.)  I thank God for health wedge. Now it came to pass that in this actual village a certain lady had been sick for a long time. They had taken her to different places for healing but it didn’t work. Final they went to a witchdoctor who tied her with beads and charm on her neck and hands to appease the evil spirits. This witchdoctor warned the relatives not to remove those things tied on her.

One of the relatives of the patient got information about my ministry and that many people have been helped in their health cases; advice was given and action was taken to call me. I prayed to God that His glory would be manifested.  After ministering for almost a week with that patient, she developed faith in Jesus, and then I asked her if she will prefer to remove the beads and charms.  She agreed. Then we had prayer sessions, simple remedies application including advice. Since this she was healed.

But some of the relatives were so very angry to the point of calling local guards to arrest me, asking me why I removed all charms and beads given by the witch doctor!  This is the answer I gave to them.  I told them that there is a Man from heaven.  He healed your patient.  He comes to minister and He goes to Heaven. That Man is Jesus.  If you are courageous enough, wait when He comes again, then arrest Him.  Then they were afraid. The healed lady accepted Jesus and other people are still struggling to make decisions for Jesus, please pray for them.  

Lay missionary Kasimu Silinu working in Ihowanza village.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Background, current stories, and needs

Here is a report on the lay missionaries from the director's wife.  I would encourage you to start by going to this link to get a little information about what goes on in these people's lives and the current needs.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lay Evangelist at Kibidula

This is the first entry of many, I hope, regarding the lay evangelism work that is taking place with the Kibidula Lay Evangelism program. 

I want to share pictures, stories, answer to prayers, prayer requests, and the needs of our workers on the FRONT LINES against Satan and his forces and FOR our Lord Jesus in the work here in Tanzania. 

There is a great work that God is doing through these lay evangelist.  They have challenging  lives of sacrifice and hardship.

I seek to share a glimpse into this important work here in Africa.  I hope that many will join in this effort through various ways including some of the following: prayer, encouragement, support for the this work and these workers.

I seek to provide accurate reporting and request that will glorify God and help this work move forward.  I covet your prayers for this program, its support, and my and other people's accurate relating of all of the above.

Thank you,
Tamara - Kibidula staff member