Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lay Missionary Needs

I took this post from the director's blog verbatim. 

Several people have been asking about helping out and something that I think would be worth I that we need about 15 new bicycles for missionaries at about $90 each and several small sound systems at about $150 each. This is a big one but a couple of used motorcycles at $2,500 for two of the missionaries with a huge territory and they are supervising other missionaries under them. If you are looking for a project to support, these would all be good. And did you know that we have less sponsors than missionaries? Several of our own staff who are already making very little are sponsoring one or more missionaries each. For just $90/ month you could sponsor a missionary in a remote village to establish a church where there are no Adventists and not only help to hasten the coming of Jesus, but also save some souls who would otherwise perish.