Matthew 25:44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
From Mama Kikula: "Visiting people in prisons is one of the opportunities I have witnessed and seen its blessings. I am able to meet people of different back grounds and and different attitudes, all gathered together in prison. Some of these people are sentenced to serve for life (never to be free again,) some for many years, and some are still in the trial process. In addition to this, we meet a largbe number of people from different religions and belief systems. This last year I work in visiting 4 prisons.
This is a sample of the work in just one prison. We gave 70 "Voice of Prophecy" Bible studies, 18 Discovery Bible studies, gave out 24 Bibles, and 215 books. Seventeen people accepted Jesus through baptism this last year.
More information will come in five months to come.
The people in these prisons need more course studies and your prayers for encouragement and hope.
Amina Kikula (one of our lay evanglists second from left in the cap) is prison ministry director and she is with her team members.
"We give thanks to Kibidula family Development international for the willingness to give the contribution towards this ministry. Although we have I big load to carry we pray that the Lord will help to reach the unreached in prison. We need $1200 per year from Kibidula."